Thursday, June 18, 2009

Car seat TERROR !

I am new to the game so any and all advise is pretty much welcomed at this point. My son is 3 months old now and has started crying like I have just beat him when I put him in his car seat. It is very upseting and embarrising at times.It normally only lasts a few moments but it sounds like a cry of TERROR ! I have checked to make sure it is comfortable and clean .I have attached toys to it. I have played with him in it and nothing seems to be working. Please help !


  1. Have you tried one of those car seat mirrors for him to look at? My 1st son cried @ every red light for the 1st year. I think maybe they think your gone. You know they love to see Mommys face. It so much easier when he's big enough to turn it around. Of course, that doesn't help you now. Try singing to him while your driving so he can hear you or try to find him a baby mirror so he can keep busy looking at himself. You can try laminating a picture of yourself & attach it to the seat where he can see it.
    Good Luck!

  2. Thank you so much for the advise. I usually sing to him when he gets fussy.It is working well.

  3. Sounds just like my son! We ended up taking him to a baby chiropractor and he had places in his hips/back that needed adjusted. He cried in his seat because he hurt! He was a NEW baby and didn't mind his seat after that. I continued to take him back for preventative reasons. Best thing I ever did for him ... actually for all of us to have a quiet ride in the car.
