Monday, August 24, 2009

Avent Bottles !

One of my first challenges as a new mother was finding a bottle that met the needs of both my son and I. I needed a bottle that he would be happy with, but also one that was easy to use and clean. I searched for a while looking at all the pros and cons and decided on playtex vent-aire bottles. My son seemed to like them okay,however it proved to be a bad choice for mommy.They are made up of many parts to put together and break down and clean. Such as the top, nipple, top ring, bottle, bottom ring, and last but not least the screw on bottom. Yes, count them. A total of 6 parts to break down to clean and put back together.Also, Imagine how many bottles a day I used. That's a lot of parts!

Since my first choice proved to be a bad one. I decided to look for another bottle. So, the first thing I did was start asking other mothers what their preferences were. My Sister in Law had mentioned to me that her twins had been given Avent bottles as a shower gift and they came to love them. She gave me one to try and since I have been hooked. They are wide mouth bottles with natural built in air systems and they are easy to clean.They are more expensive than many of the other brands but they are well worth it.

Now, we are both HAPPY !

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